白云图书馆管理系统 —— 课程作业项目
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<?php $total = (int)(1+$count/20); ?>
<p class="text-indigo text-sm p-2">第 <?=$page?> / <?=$total?> 页</p>
<?php if ($page > 2) { ?>
<a href="<?=$path?>?page=1" class="no-underline bg-indigo-dark hover:bg-indigo-darker text-white text-sm px-3 transition-normal hover:shadow hover:translate-y-1 active:translate-y-1 focus:outline-none">首页</a>
<?php } if ($page == 1) { ?>
<a class="no-underline bg-grey text-white text-sm px-3 transition-normal hover:shadow hover:translate-y-1 active:translate-y-1 focus:outline-none">上一页</a>
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="<?=$path?>?page=<?=$page-1?>" class="no-underline bg-indigo-dark hover:bg-indigo-darker text-white text-sm px-3 transition-normal hover:shadow hover:translate-y-1 active:translate-y-1 focus:outline-none">上一页</a>
<?php } if ($page == $total) { ?>
<a class="no-underline bg-grey text-white text-sm px-3 transition-normal hover:shadow hover:translate-y-1 active:translate-y-1 focus:outline-none">下一页</a>
<?php } else { ?>
<a href="<?=$path?>?page=<?=$page+1?>" class="no-underline bg-indigo-dark hover:bg-indigo-darker text-white text-sm px-3 transition-normal hover:shadow hover:translate-y-1 active:translate-y-1 focus:outline-none">下一页</a>
<?php } if ($total > 2 && $page < $total - 1) { ?>
<a href="<?=$path?>?page=<?=$total?>" class="no-underline bg-indigo-dark hover:bg-indigo-darker text-white text-sm px-3 transition-normal hover:shadow hover:translate-y-1 active:translate-y-1 focus:outline-none">尾页</a>
<?php } ?>